The postman has been busy delivering the Autumn 2021 issue of the Worcestershire Recorder, which features interesting pieces on medieval church goods at Ripple and Pershore, the impact of the American Revolutionary War on Kidderminster, and a short article by me on Roman coins from Badsey.

The article records two hitherto unnoticed 4th-century coins from the A.E. Jones collection at Worcester City Art Gallery and Museum. This is an amazing set of fieldwalking material collected in the early to mid-20th century, which I have previously discussed in an article in the 2018 Transactions of the Worcestershire Archaeological Society. The two new coins are an important addition to our understanding of Roman rural settlement in the Vale of Evesham, an important farming district in the west of Roman Britain.
So why not have a look? To purchase a copy, get in touch with the Society via their website.
For a full list of my publications to date, check out the ‘Publications’ page on this website.