Bumper publication alert!

I’ve just recieved my copy of the latest issue of the Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society. It contains some intriguing articles on prehistoric and Romano-British enclosures at Burton, the Victorian mansion at Backford Hall, and an article by me on a fifteenth-century coin hoard from the Shoemaker’s Row, Chester. Copies are available directly from the Society: check out their website for more details.

M. Andrews, ‘A neglected nineteenth-century find of a fifteenth-century coin hoard from Shoemaker’s Row, Northgate Street, Chester’, Journal of the Chester Archaeological Society, 2nd ser., 89 (2019), 145-149.

In addition, a small article that I have written for the Bulletin of the Surrey Archaeological Society is now available online. This explores an eighteenth-century record of a late medieval coin hoard found at Kingston upon Thames. You can read it here.

For a full list of my publications to date, check out the ‘Publications’ page on this website: here.